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​​​​​​​​​​​​​Engl​​​​​ish translation available at the end of page

Studenții care doresc să fie cazați în căminele Universității în anul universitar 2024-2025 trebuie să completeze un formular online până pe 30 iunie 2024.

Decizia privind care cămine​ sunt alocate FEAA și în ce regim de finanțare, precum și repartizarea efectivă a studenților, se vor efectua după data de 20 septembrie, pe baza cererilor depuse acum.

Informații despre proceduri și regulamente de cazare, precum și despre cămine (inclusiv prețuri, condiții și tur virtual) pot fi consultate pe site-ul Universității

Trebuie să fiți autentificați de pe contul persoanei pentru care se depune cererea.  Click aici pentru a accesa formularul.

Pentru probleme tehnice trimiteti o captura de ecran la​


FEAA students who would like accommodations in one of the University hostels next academic year have to complete an online form until 30th of June 2024. Information regarding which hostels will house FEAA students and at what prices will be available after 20th of September. ​You might find more information on the University website.

To continue, you will have to be logged in from the account of the person who is asking for accommodation. 

  • Click here to open the form in a new window (and click "Respond to this survey" to start it),
  • You are being ask​ed your full name and your "matricol" number.
  • The list of hostels that accommodated FEAA students in the previous years are:
    • boys, with budget funding: C4, C7, C10, C13;
    • boys, with partial budget funding: C1, C3, Bunavestire, C5 & C11 (mostly doctoral students, with some rooms for master students)
    • boys, hotel-like accommodation: AK & C17;
    • girls, with budget funding: C4, C7, C13
    • girls, partial budget funding: C1, C2, C3, C5 & C11 (mostly doctoral students, with some rooms for master students)
    • girls, hotel-like accommodation: AK & C17
  • Select 3 housing options from the dropdown lists (the first being the most desired)
  • Check what and if applies to you (and you will have to send proof of what you are checking by email at by the deadline)
    • you are orphan from a parent
    • you are orphan (both parents)
    • you have been raised in a foster house
    • you require accommodation for medical reasons
    • you require accommodation in a hostel for families
  • Click Finish to save and clos​e the form. If you would like to check your options (or even change them) click here to see your response. In order to edit it, click on its title, then find the Edit button. Don't forget to click Finish when you are done editing.
  • For technical issues please send an email with a screen capture with the error at