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Enhance your Excel skills and logical thinking with the Microsoft Excel Collegiate Challenge! As a college or university student, this platform offers you a chance to stand out among your peers by tackling monthly challenges spanning various topics. From mastering personal finance models, like understanding credit card interest costs, to improving your efficiency by learning and practicing keyboard shortcuts, the MECC provides a wide range of real-world scenarios to put your talents to the test.

Online Qualification Round 1 (This Weekend!)
When: September 28-30, 2024
Starts: September 28, 12:00 AM BST / September 27, 7:00 PM ET
Ends: September 30, 7:59 AM BST / September 29, 11:59 PM PT​

Detalii și înscrieri pe:
Înscrierea și participarea pentru studenți este gratuită. După ce vă înscrieți puteți să vedeți câteva exemple pe site-ul dedicat, alături de task-uri periodice si probleme interesante rezolvabile prin intermediul programului Microsoft Excel